Tour participants relax at a sound bath at the Integratron in Landers, CA.
MOJAVE PROJECT DAY FIELD TRIP of the Joshua Tree/Morongo Basin area.
Host and Guide: Kim Stringfellow, Project Director
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Spend the day in the Morongo Basin, home of Joshua Tree National Park, with The Mojave Project and LACE. Tour is limited to 25 participants who will need to provide their own transportation between the various sites.
We will start the day at the Mojave Desert Land Trust (MDLT) to learn about their mission and how artists can minimize their impacts when installing creative projects in the desert, take a private sound bath at the Integratron, tour Noah Purifoy’s installations with his former assistant and visit the Joshua Tree’s downtown artist village.
We begin our day promptly at 9 am on Sunday so we suggest that participants come out for the weekend and stay at one of the local Airbnb’s or locally-owned lodgings such as the Joshua Tree Inn and the Pioneertown Motel. Lodging in Desert Hot Springs and the Palm Springs area is also suggested. We may host an impromptu film screening and mixer on Saturday night before the tour depending on the number of people who sign up for this tour.
We require a minimum of 15 people to conduct this tour. If we do not have enough participants one week before the tour we will cancel the tour and return your deposit.
This tour coincides with the exhibition of The Mojave Project at LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions) on view September 15 – November 18, 2018. Program and exhibition at LACE are funded by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.
Field Trip Costs
$60 – Non-refundable deposit per person
How to Sign up!
- Reserve your place with a deposit through Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mojave-project-joshua-tree-day-tour-nov-4-2018-tickets-51120622157
Itinerary for Sunday, Nov 4, 2018*
9 am: Meet at the Mojave Desert Land Trust. 60124 29 Palms Hwy
Joshua Tree, CA 92252.
10:15 am: Carpool over to the Integratron. 2477 Belfield Blvd, Landers, CA 92285.
10:45 am: Private sound bath at the Integratron.
12 pm: Depart for lunch (TBA)
12: 30 – 1:45 pm: No-host Lunch
1:45: Head over to Noah Purifoy’s installation
2:15 pm: Private tour of Noah Purifoy’s installation
3:30 pm: Head over to Joshua Tree Village artist studios, shops and the World Famous Crochet Museum
5 pm: End of guided tour
*We reserve the right to make a few tweaks to this itinerary if necessary. We will provide a suggested list of online Mojave Project readings that complement this field trip. We encourage carpooling. Participants will be able to leave cars parked for the day at the MDLT on Highway 62.